Design Management – Design Version Status
During design management, versions go through three states…
During design management, versions go through three states…
The coordinator can invite all users who have participated in the design creation process to validate it….
The coordinator must select the printing press and the user managing the printing.
Organize text editors by workgroups or tasks. Each text block or variable is managed by a text editor…
The international dictionary allows us to standardize criteria for texts, organize descriptions, translations, and concatenate texts. Copy the text and paste it into a text block.
In Artwork process, we can store predefined text blocks, which allow us to streamline the management of text variables. In these text blocks, we can store both text and the description of the task that the text editor needs to
Save and organize all the features of your products, easily access all information. Organize brands, products, printing colors, units of measurement, packaging, units per package, and the target market for the product. This configuration is used in setting up new
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